Villa Melzi in Bellagio

An excursion tip to the gardens of the villas on Lake Como

Villa Melzi d’Eril in Bellagio is one of the architectural and scenic jewels on Lake Como, which is particularly impressive for its beautiful gardens.

Construction of the villa began in 1808 by Francesco Melzi d’Eril in the

neoclassical style. He was an important politician and friend of Napoleon.

View of Villa Melzi
Villa Melzi in Bellagio at Lake Como

Especially in spring and summer, the mild climate of the lake provides a pleasant warmth that makes a visit to the extensive facilities even more inviting.

The gardens offer shady spots under exotic trees and sunny meadows with spectacular views of the lake and the surrounding mountains.

This contrast between warm sunlight and cool shaded areas makes the stay particularly pleasant. The proximity of the lake also provides a gentle breeze that influences the microclimate of the villa. In addition to centuries-old trees, there is a variety of exotic plants.

Excursion tip for our guests
Dreamlike garden of Villa Melzi by the lake

If you are visiting the villa or its surroundings, the months from **April to September** are ideal, when the temperatures rise and the vegetation is in full bloom.

Recommendation on holiday
Garden of Villa Melzi

Oriental garden with wrought-iron bridge – one of the most popular Instagram motifs on Lake Como.

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